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Emerald RSL Membership


There are three types of membership available:


Service members - people who have, or are currently serving in the armed services of Australia

Affiliate members - people who are direct descendants of those who were in the armed services PLUS members of Australia's related emergency service organisations - SES, CFA, Police and Ambos

Social members - people who are neither of the above.


All memberships are $40 per calendar year, or $105 for three consecutive calendar years.​


There are many advantages to being a member of our RSL. You can partake in the many functions that the Club holds - all at minimal or no charge. You have free use of the Club facilities for your private functions (pending Committee approval). And you get to enjoy the camaraderie of club members on Tuesday and Thursday nights.


In addition, there is an RSL Victoria Rewards Program whereby at major RSL's across the State you swipe your membership card to get discounted food and drink and you can participate in major Rewards prizes.


All enquiries to


Downloadable forms are below, and either

  • email to or

  • mail to PO Box 44, Emerald Vic 3782 or

  • bring your completed form along on a Tuesday or Thursday evening.


Download Service and Affiliate membership form


Download Social membership form​



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